Episode 110 – The Concrete Episode

Paul Chadwick’s Concrete has the trappings of a superhero story—a quiet, somewhat nebbishy man finds his brain transplanted into a giant stone body that allows him to do great things. But like a number of other similar titles from the early 80s like Nexus and Zot!, it spins this well-worn concept into something new, intelligent and wholly original.

In his first four issues (as reprinted in Concrete Vol. 1: Depths), former senatorial speechwriter Ronald Lithgow uses his newfound abilities to rescue miners from a cave-in, attempts to swim the Atlantic Ocean, and recounts his familiar yet freshly horrifying origin.

This chip off the old block may be able to hold his own against unfathomable aliens and undersea predators, but can he survive the unspeakable menace of the man known only as Anonymoose? And can he reach the summit of that pinnacle of comic-book excellence known as … The Comics Canon?

In This Episode!

Join us in two weeks as we delve into another comic about a super-strong giant with a look at 2018’s The Immortal Hulk Vol. 1: Or Is He Both?

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